Mirror, mirror – One week cultural workshop

Flügelspiegel Stuhl mit Holzsitzplatte und schwarzem Gestell
Victoria Palm beim sprayen ihres Stuhlgestells

Sonntagsbrunch im Kunstgewerbemuseum Pillnitz für die Ausstellung Creative Collisions

How do I look? How do I differ from someone else?

What is the same? The mirror backrest is the central element of the chair. If you sit on the opposite side you not only see the person sitting but yourself in the mirror. A self-check starts immediately as well as observing the one sitting on the chair. In the Syrian culture mirrors are often placed in restaurants because they symbolise truth and it brings luck to you if you break one. 


In a one week workshop with syrian refugees and the design duo Rygalik from Poland we discovered the food and table culture of the different countries. Each participant design a chair for a hugh table and we created new dishes combined of the different cultures which we cooked for the opening. The whole exhibition took place in the „Schloss Pillnitz“ in Dresden.